About & Contact

Aren't we all survivors of something?

I have a few "somethings," including family dysfunction, being laid off, miscarriages and infertility. It took a cancer diagnosis to get the "survivor" label, but long before I heard the words, "You have cancer," I was a practiced survivor of life.

It was surviving cancer that pushed me to stop thinking about writing and actually sit down to do it, resulting in my first blog and two books. I was wary of blogging and putting myself out there, but I created WhereWeGoNow to share my "new normal" life after cancer with other survivors and never looked back.

Now, I'm clear that creating inspired healing, wellness and live out loud joy is about way more than life after cancer. It's about life and it's universal to every one of us, because we all have stuff to work through. 

And, just as importantly, we all want to find joy.

If you want to contact me, just shoot me an email at debbie@wherewegonow.com.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope to see you here often.

Oh, don't forget to sign up for my newsletters, Just go here and fill out your name and email address. 

Wishing you much joy.




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